6th International Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation
X-ray line profile analysis of equal channel angular pressing processed Cu
Jóni, B.^1 ; Gonda, V.^2 ; B., Verö ; T., Ungár
Department of Materials Physics, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Pazmany Peter setany 1/a, 1117 Budapest, Hungary^1
Department of Materials Science and Technology, Óbuda University, Népszínház u. 8, 1081 Budapest, Hungary^2
College of Dunaújváros, Táncsics M. u. 1/a, 2400 Dunaújváros, Hungary^3
关键词: Channel intersections;    Deformation zone;    Diffraction spectra;    Dislocation densities;    Line profile analysis;    Twin boundaries;    X-ray line profile analysis;    XRD measurements;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/63/1/012136/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/63/1/012136
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The effect of equal channel angular pressing on the microstructure of copper samples was studied by X-ray line profile analysis. Pure Cu samples were processed by equal channel angular pressing with 3 passes in route A. Samples were taken from the vicinity of the channel intersection, and along a profile across the deformation zone, microhardness and XRD measurements were performed. For the high resolution line profile analysis of the diffraction spectra, convolutional-multiple-whole-profile CMWP method was applied, dislocation density and grain size were calculated, furthermore the density of twin boundaries were determined. Results show a rearrangement in the dislocations in the third pass leading to a rise in the density of twin boundaries.

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