6th International Scientific Practical Conference on Innovative Technologies and Economics in Engineering
Silicon nano-carbide in strengthening and ceramic technologies
Rudneva, V.V.^1 ; Galevsky, G.V.^1 ; Kozyrev, N.A.^1
Siberian State Industrial University, Kirov str. 42, Novokuznetsk
654007, Russia^1
关键词: Ceramic technologies;    Composite electrodeposition;    Corrosion-resistant;    Electrodeposited coatings;    Functional surfaces;    Solid phase sintering;    Steel surface hardening;    Surface hardening;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/91/1/012003/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/91/1/012003
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Technological advantages and conditions of new quality assurance of coatings and products, provided by silicon nano-carbide, have been ascertained in the course of composite electrodeposition of coatings, structural ceramics patterning, and surface hardening of steels via electro-explosive alloying. Silicon nano-carbide has been recommended to be used as a component of wear and corrosion resistant chromium carbide electrodeposited coatings, which can be operated at high temperatures and used for strengthening tools and equipment including those with a complex microrelief of functional surfaces. Silicon nano-carbide as a component of composite "silicon carbide - boron - carbon" can be applied to produce ceramic half products via solid phase sintering in argon under pressure of 0.1 MPa and temperature 2273 K. Application of silicon nano-carbide in technology of tool steel surface hardening via electroexplosive alloying ensures obtaining of a high micro-hard, wear and heat resistant shielding layer which is about 20 μm deep.
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