Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience
New directions for reinforced concrete coastal structures
Chase Knight1  Steven Nolan2  Marco Rossini3  Antonio Nanni3 
[1] Florida Department of Transportation – State Materials Office;Florida Department of Transportation – State Structures Design Office;University of Miami - College of Engineering;
关键词: Concrete bridges;    Corrosion-resistant;    Durability;    Fiber-reinforced polymer;    FRP;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s43065-021-00015-4
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Within the last century, coastal structures for infrastructure applications have traditionally been constructed with timber, structural steel, and/or steel-reinforced/prestressed concrete. Given asset owners’ desires for increased service-life; reduced maintenance, repair and rehabilitation; liability; resilience; and sustainability, it has become clear that traditional construction materials cannot reliably meet these challenges without periodic and costly intervention. Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites have been successfully utilized for durable bridge applications for several decades, demonstrating their ability to provide reduced maintenance costs, extend service life, and significantly increase design durability. This paper explores a representative sample of these applications, related specifically to internal reinforcement for concrete structures in both passive (RC) and pre-tensioned (PC) applications, and contrasts them with the time-dependent effect and cost of corrosion in transportation infrastructure. Recent development of authoritative design guidelines within the US and international engineering communities is summarized and a examples of RC/PC verses FRP-RC/PC presented to show the sustainable (economic and environmental) advantage of composite structures in the coastal environment.

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