International Nuclear Science and Technology Conference 2016
Effect of the Scattering Radiation in Air and Two Type of Slap Phantom between PMMA and the ISO Water Phantom for Personal Dosimeters Calibration
Kamwang, N.^1 ; Rungseesumran, T.^1 ; Saengchantr, D.^1 ; Monthonwattana, S.^1 ; Pungkun, V.^2
Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization), Nakhon Nayok
26120, Thailand^1
Office of Atoms for Peace, Bangkok
10900, Thailand^2
关键词: Ambient dose equivalent;    Calibration procedure;    Dose equivalent;    Electronic personal dosimeters;    International organization for standardizations;    Personal dosimeters;    Research studies;    Scattering radiation;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/860/1/012024/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/860/1/012024
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The calibration of personal dosimeter to determine the quantities of the personal dose equivalent, Hp(d), is required to be placed on a suitable phantom in order to provide a reasonable approximation to the radiation backscattering properties as equivalent as part of body. The dosimeter which is worn on the trunk usually calibrated with slap phantom which recommended in ICRU 47 with dimension of 30 cm (w) x 30 cm (h) x 15 cm (t) PMMA slab phantom to achieve uniformity in calibration procedures, on the other hand the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 4037-3, proposed the ISO water slap phantom, with PMMA walls, same dimension but different wall thickness (front wall 2.5 mm and other side wall 10 mm thick) and fill with water. However, some laboratories are still calibrating a personal dosimeter in air in term of ambient dose equivalent, H∗(d). This research study the effect of the scattering radiation in two type of those slap phantoms and in air, to calibrate two type of OSL (XA and LA) and electronic personal dosimeters. The X-ray and Cs-137 radiation field with the energy range from 33 to 662 keV were used. The results of this study will be discussed.

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Effect of the Scattering Radiation in Air and Two Type of Slap Phantom between PMMA and the ISO Water Phantom for Personal Dosimeters Calibration 702KB PDF download
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