2nd Colombian Congress of Electrochemistry; 2nd Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Characterization of the nonlinear optical properties of the new 2-amino-4,6-difenilnicotinonitrilo by UV-Vis spectroscopy absorption and Z-Scan
Cueto, C.^1 ; Pérez, A.^1 ; Racedo, F.^1
Universidad Del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia^1
关键词: Electric susceptibility;    Molecular design;    Non-linear optical properties;    Non-linear parameters;    Nonlinear absorption coefficient;    Nonlinear refractive index;    Organic molecules;    Solution concentration;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/786/1/012005/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/786/1/012005
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The study of the nonlinear optical properties of new organic molecules in solution was performed. Z-Scan technique was used to investigate the nonlinear optical properties of 2-amino-4,6-diphenylnicotinenitrile depending on the solution concentration and the laser power; This compound was diluted in ethyl acetate at fixed concentration of 0.024M. Through this technique, nonlinear parameters such as the nonlinear refractive index (η2), the nonlinear absorption coefficient (β) and the third-order electric susceptibility (χ3) were determined. For these measurements, a laser Nd: YAG emitting at 532nm, a lens 10 cm focus, an iris of 1mm and a cell with a thickness of 1mm were used. The study was performed with laser powers of 55mW, 100mW, 145mW and 195mW; All measurements were made by transmission in closed and open configurations. Finally the sample was characterized by absorption spectroscopy UV-Vis. This study allows us to relate the molecular design with the optical properties.
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Characterization of the nonlinear optical properties of the new 2-amino-4,6-difenilnicotinonitrilo by UV-Vis spectroscopy absorption and Z-Scan 536KB PDF download
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