Mini EURO Conference on Improving Healthcare: new challenges, new approaches
Implementation of Advanced Warehouses in a Hospital Environment - Case study
Costa, J.^1 ; Carvalho, M. Sameiro^1 ; Nobre, A.^2
Algoritmi Research Center, University of Minho, Portugal^1
Logistics Manager, Hospital de Braga, Portugal^2
关键词: Efficient managements;    Healthcare organizations;    Healthcare sectors;    Healthcare services;    Hospital environment;    Inventory holding;    Patient care units;    Quality healthcare;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/616/1/012005/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/616/1/012005
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
In Portugal, there is an increase of costs in the healthcare sector due to several factors such as the aging of the population, the increased demand for health care services and the increasing investment in new technologies. Thus, there is a need to reduce costs, by presenting the effective and efficient management of logistics supply systems with enormous potential to achieve savings in health care organizations without compromising the quality of the provided service, which is a critical factor, in this type of sector. In this research project the implementation of Advanced Warehouses has been studied, in the Hospital de Braga patient care units, based in a mix of replenishment systems approaches: the par level system, the two bin system and the consignment model. The logistics supply process is supported by information technology (IT), allowing a proactive replacement of products, based on the hospital services consumption records. The case study was developed in two patient care units, in order to study the impact of the operation of the three replenishment systems. Results showed that an important inventory holding costs reduction can be achieved in the patient care unit warehouses while increasing the service level and increasing control of incoming and stored materials with less human resources. The main conclusion of this work illustrates the possibility of operating multiple replenishment models, according to the types of materials that healthcare organizations deal with, so that they are able to provide quality health care services at a reduced cost and economically sustainable. The adoption of adequate IT has been shown critical for the success of the project.
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