7th International Congress of Engineering Physics
Emulating a robotic manipulator arm with an hybrid motion-control system
Aragón-González, G.^1 ; León-Galicia, A.^1 ; Noriega-Hernández, M.^1 ; Salazar-Hueta, A.^1
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Unidad Azcapotzalco, Programa de Desarrollo Profesional en Automatizatión, Av. San Pablo # 180., La Reynosa Tamaulipas. Azcapotzalco D.F
02200, Mexico^1
关键词: Control components;    Control device;    Control program;    Graphic environment;    Machining Process;    Moving objects;    Robotic manipulators;    Spherical coordinates;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/582/1/012052/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/582/1/012052
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
A motion control system with four and 1/2 degrees of freedom, designed to move small objects within a 0.25 m3 space, parallel to a horizontal table, with high speed and performance similar to a robotic manipulator arm was built. The machine employs several actuators and control devices. Its main characteristic is to incorporate a servomotor, steeper motors, electromechanical and fluid power actuators and diverse control resources. A group of actuators arranged on a spherical coordinates system is attached to the servomotor platform. A linear pneumatic actuator with an angular grip provides the radial extension and load clamping capacity. Seven inductive proximity sensors and one encoder provide feedback, for operating the actuators under closed loop conditions. Communication between the sensors and control devices is organized by a PLC. A touch screen allows governing the system remotely, easily and interactively, without knowing the specific programming language of each control component. The graphic environment on the touch screen guides the user to design and store control programs, establishing coordinated automatic routines for moving objects in space, simulation and implementation of industrial positioning or machining processes.
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