International Conference on Agribussines, Food and Agro-Technology
Processing methods of lepiu (Archidendron parviflorum) on nutrition, glycemic index, glycemic load, cholesterol and glucose mice (Mus musculus)
Saragih, Bernatal^1 ; Marwati^1 ; Rahmawati, Maulida^1 ; Suhardi^2 ; Naibaho, Netty Maria^3
Departement of Agricultural Product and Technology, Agriculture Faculty Mulawarman University, Indonesia^1
Departement of Animal Science, Agriculture Faculty Mulawarman University, Indonesia^2
Departement Plantation Processing Technology, State Agricultural of Polyte, Indonesia^3
关键词: Blood glucose;    Food sources;    Glycemic index;    Method of processing;    Mus musculus;    Nutritional value;    Processing method;    Seed treatment;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/205/1/012036/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/205/1/012036
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Exploration of new food sources is very important to increase the potential and food reserves, one of which is lepiu. Lepiu is used by the people of East Borneo as food by boiling lepiu seeds. This study was conducted recover out the effect of diffrent treatment on nutritional value, glycemic index, glycemic load, and glucose and cholesterol of mice after 21 days intervention. The fried lepiu provides a lower glycemic response than the boiled and steamed lepiu. The method of treatment gives effect to the compositions of lepiu nutrition. Increase in blood glucose 30 minutes after consumption of fried lepiu was lower (25 mg/dL), boiled (34 mg/dl) and steamed (26 mg/dL). The method of processing gives a differential force on the glycemic index and glycemic load. Decreased glucose in mice after 21 days intervention in the lipid cereals treatment of 39 mg/dL, then lepiu 34 mg/DL, 35 mg/dL standard feed and 22 mg/dL commercial cereals. Cholesterol in standard feeding treatment did not decrease, while lepiu seed treatment decreased by 7 mg/dL and in the treatment of lepiu cereals and commercial cereals respectively 13 mg/dL.
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Processing methods of lepiu (Archidendron parviflorum) on nutrition, glycemic index, glycemic load, cholesterol and glucose mice (Mus musculus) 249KB PDF download
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