1st International Geographical Conference of North Asian Countries "China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor: Geographical and Environmental Factors and Territorial Development Opportunities"
The organization of geosystems in southern East Siberia (research and mapping)
Konovalova, T.I.^1
Sochava Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Irkutsk, Russia^1
关键词: Anthropogenic factors;    Change of environment;    Different stages;    Geological data;    Individual components;    Natural environments;    Tectonic activity;    Theoretical modeling;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/190/1/012032/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/190/1/012032
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Knowledge of moderngeosystems properties, regularities of their formation, and changes under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors is the basis for the timely prediction of adverse events occurring during the change of environment. Abstract review of the individual components and static geosystems cannot bring substantive results in solving these problems. The situation is compounded by the need to study and mapping of regions geosystems, which are characterized by tectonic activity and intensive dynamic processes. Currently, when a significant of geophysical, geological data and landscapes virtually no development, dedicated to solving the problem of study geosystems such regions. Specificity of study is complex mapping geosystems, which are characteristic diverse genesis, different stages of development, in the synthesis of space and time into a single whole, the comparison of the current state of geosystems with the natural rhythms and patters of development of the natural environment. These studies are a theoretical model of reality, synthesized information on the functioning, dynamics and evolution of geosystems, the direction of their transformation, as in changing natural and anthropogenic conditions. In development analysis of the future state of geosystems these studies have high scientific and practical value.
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