3rd International Conference of Indonesia Society for Remote Sensing
Mangrove Mapping Using SPOT 6 at East Lombok Indonesia
Rudiastuti, Aninda W.^1 ; Yuwono, Doddy M.^1 ; Hartini, Sri^1
Geospatial Information Agency, Indonesia^1
关键词: Above ground biomass;    Allometric equations;    High resolution imagery;    Image transformations;    Mangrove;    Normalized difference vegetation index;    Remotely sensed data;    SPOT 6;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/165/1/012005/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/165/1/012005
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Accumulated biomass estimation in mangrove forest is important for assessing its productivity and sustainability. It is also important on revealing the potential amount of carbon that can be emitted in the form of carbon dioxide when deforestation took place. Mangrove as a part of the coastal ecosystem is related to Blue Carbon, especially in controlling climate change. This is due to its ability in utilizing carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and store it in stock biomass and sediment. This study addressed to estimate the mangrove extent at East Lombok as a part of One Map Mangrove Bali - Nusa Tenggara, and also trying to estimate its above ground biomass (AGB). Those are indispensable, especially for eastern part of Lombok which has the greatest mangroves area and mostly in good condition such as Gili Lawang and Gili Sulat. Forest biomass can be estimated through combination of field measurement and remote sensing - GIS methods. SPOT 6 and another high resolution-imagery were used as primary remotely sensed data. On screen digitation using RGB-NIR bands and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) image transformation are applied for the initial canopy density classification. For field measurement at 2016, plot sample sized 10 m x 10 m were used for mangrove parameter inventory. Non-destructive biomass estimation applied in this research which is applicable for mangrove ecosystems, using allometric equations. AGB estimation model also applied in mangrove area at two small islands. Bruguiera sp. and Rhizopora sp. dominated in East Lombok. While, Sonneratia sp., and Avicennia sp dominantly appeared in seaward zone of mangrove zonation. The spatial analysis resulted mangrove area in East Lombok is 1759.5778 ha. The estimation results of above ground biomass (trees and saplings) using 12 sample plots in East Lombok is 12,667.316 kg, while there are 881,677 kg of AGB of mangrove in Gili Lawang and Gili Sulat based on the AGBs model applied.

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