International Conference on Climate Change 2018
Carbon sequestration by above-ground biomass in urban green spaces in Singaraja city
Oviantari, M.V.^1 ; Gunamantha, I.M.^1 ; Ristiati, Ni. P.^2 ; Santiasa, I.M.P.A.^2 ; Astariani, P.P.Y.^1
Department of Chemistry, University of Pendidikan Ganesha, Jl. Udayana, Singaraja Bali
81116, Indonesia^1
Department of Biology, University of Pendidikan Ganesha, Jl. Udayana, Singaraja Bali
81116, Indonesia^2
关键词: Above ground biomass;    Allometric equations;    Carbon sequestration;    Expansion factors;    Organic carbon contents;    Sequestration of CO2;    Urban green spaces;    Vegetation sampling;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/200/1/012030/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/200/1/012030
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

This study aims to determine the biomass, C-organic content, carbon stock, and CO2 sink in above-ground biomass on Urban green space (UGS) in Singaraja city. Vegetation sampling was conducted according to the SNI 7724:2011. Vegetation carbon stock in trees was estimated using allometric equations, litter and herbaceous were estimated using biomass expansion factor (BEF) equation. The organic carbon content in vegetation samples was measured by Walkley and Black method. The result showed that average biomass in the trees is 23.645 tons per ha and 44.768 tons per ha, 0.211 tons per ha and 0.194 tons per ha for the herbaceous, while the litter is 0.347 tons per ha and 0.268 tons per ha respectively for boulevard and roadside. The average C-organic content in the tree is 1.30% and 2.03%, 6.26% and 4.79% for the herbaceous, while the litter is 4.86% and 4.29% respectively for boulevard and roadside. The average carbon stock in the tree is 30.750 tons per ha and 90.880 tons per ha, 1.321 tons per ha and 0.930 tons per ha for the herbaceous, while a litter is 1.686 tons per ha and 1.182 tons per ha respectively for boulevard and roadside. The sequestration of CO2 by the tree is 112.751 tons per ha and 333.226 tons per ha, 4.845 tons per ha and 3.408 tons per ha for the herbaceous, while the litter is 6.184 tons per ha and 4.334 tons per ha respectively for boulevard and roadside.

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