International Conference on Frontier of Science and Society: Maritime Perspectives to Public Discourse
Implementation of Markerless Augmented Reality Technology Based on Android to Introduction Lontara in Marine Society
Jumarlis, Mila^1 ; Mirfan, Mirfan^2
STMIK Bina Adinata, Jl. Serikaya No. 8 Kab., Bulukumba, Indonesia^1
STMIK Handayani, Jl. Adyaksa Baru No. 1 Kota, Makassar, Indonesia^2
关键词: Android and Lontara;    Augmented reality technology;    Data collection method;    Design and implements;    Internet connection;    Literature reviews;    Markerless;    Technology advances;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/156/1/012017/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/156/1/012017
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Local language learning had been leaving by people especially young people had affected technology advances so that involved lack of interest to learn culture especially local language. So required interactive and interest learning media for introduction Lontara. This research aims to design and implement augmented reality on introduction Lontara on mobile device especially android. Application of introduction Lontara based on Android was designed by Vuforia and Unity. Data collection method were observation, interview, and literature review. That data was analysed for being information. The system was designed by Unified Modeling Language (UML). The method used is a marker. The test result found that application of Augmented Reality on introduction Lontara based on Android could improve public interest for introducing local language particularly young people in learning about Lontara because of using technology. Application of introduction of Lontara based on Android used augmented reality occurred sound and how to write Lontara with animation. This application could be running without an internet connection, so that its used more efficient and could maximize from user.
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