9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Development
Numerical study of local scour around bridge piers
Omara, H.^1 ; Tawfik, A.^1,2
Egypt - Japan University of Science and Technology (E-Just), Environmental Engineering Department, P.O. Box 179 - New Borg, El Arab City, Alexandria
21934, Egypt^1
National Research Centre, Water Pollution Research Department, Dokki, Giza
12622, Egypt^2
关键词: Clear-water condition;    Flow properties;    Local scour;    Morphological model;    Pier shapes;    Predictive capabilities;    Scour depth;    Sediment transport model;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/151/1/012013/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/151/1/012013
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Numerical models have more flexibility avoiding the critical limitation in physical ones. The predictive capability of the hydro-morphological model around bridge piers in clear-water conditions have been investigated using mathematical modelling flow 3D 11.2 as there is a lack in using that model. The objective of the study to investigate the effect of cross section of the pier on the predictive capability of the model. Computations has been performed and the results are compared with several sets of experimental data available in the literature. The Van Rijn sediment transport model and (RNG) k- model are used. However, this study strongly demonstrates that a 3D hydro-morphological model can effectively predict the scour around piers with different cross section, there is significantly under predicts for the scour depth at the nose of the pier with different pier shapes. It is found that for the circular pier the capability of the model depending on the flow properties not only the geometry of the pier.

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