1st International Conference on Tropical Studies and Its Application
Mapping urban green open space in Bontang city using QGIS and cloud computing
Agus, F.^1 ; Ramadiani^1 ; Silalahi, W.^1 ; Armanda, A.^1 ; Kusnandar^2
GIS and Environment Modeling Research Group, Computer Science Department, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, CSIT, Mulawarman University Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur Province, Indonesia^1
Informatics Department, STMIK Widya Cipta Dharma Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur Province, Indonesia^2
关键词: Application development;    Binding agent;    Digital mapping;    Geo-spatial informations;    Mapping applications;    Open sources;    Survey methods;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/144/1/012032/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/144/1/012032
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Digital mapping techniques are available freely and openly so that map-based application development is easier, faster and cheaper. A rapid development of Cloud Computing Geographic Information System makes this system can help the needs of the community for the provision of geospatial information online. The presence of urban Green Open Space (GOS) provide great benefits as an oxygen supplier, carbon-binding agent and can contribute to providing comfort and beauty of city life. This study aims to propose a platform application of GIS Cloud Computing (CC) of Bontang City GOS mapping. The GIS-CC platform uses the basic map available that's free and open source. The research used survey method to collect GOS data obtained from Bontang City Government, while application developing works Quantum GIS-CC. The result section describes the existence of GOS Bontang City and the design of GOS mapping application.
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