International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Protection 2017
Research on the effect of rainfall flood regulation and control of wetland park based on SWMM model—a case study of wetland park in Yuanjia village, Qishan county, Shaanxi province
Xu, Da^1 ; Liu, Yijie^1
Landscape Art Institute, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Xianyang, Shaanxi Province
712100, China^1
关键词: Built-up areas;    Development model;    Low impact development;    Permeable pavements;    Regulation and control;    Research object;    Runoff reduction;    Time delay effects;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/121/5/052014/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/121/5/052014
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Taking the wetland park of Yuan Village in Qishan County of Shaanxi Province as the research object, this paper makes a reasonable generalization of the study area, and establishes two models of low impact development (LID) and traditional development in the park. Meantime, rainwater in the surrounding built up area is introduced to into the park for digestion. SWMM model is used to simulate the variation of the total runoff, peak flow and peak time of two development models in Wetland Park under one-hour rainfall at different recurrence periods.The runoff control effect in each single LID facility in the one-hour rainfall once during five years in the built-up area is simulated. The simulation results show that the SWMM model can not only quantify the runoff reduction effect of different LID facilities, but also provide theoretical basis and data support for the urban rainfall flood problem. LID facilities have effects on runoff reduction and peak delay. However, the combined LID facility has obvious advantages for the peak time delay and peak flow control. A single LID facility is more efficient in a single runoff volume control. The order of runoff reduction by various LID facilities is as follows: Rain garden>combined LID facility> vegetative swale> bio-retention cell > permeable pavement. The order of peak time delay effect by the LID facilities is as follows: combined LID facility> Rain garden> vegetative swale> bio-retention cell > permeable pavement. The order of peak flow reduction efficiency by various LID facilities is: combined LID facility> Rain garden> bio-retention cell > vegetative swale> permeable pavement.

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Research on the effect of rainfall flood regulation and control of wetland park based on SWMM model—a case study of wetland park in Yuanjia village, Qishan county, Shaanxi province 797KB PDF download
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