International Ruminant Seminar: "Eco-friendly livestock production for sustainable agriculture"
Evaluation of Feed for Thin-Tailed Sheep Fattening with Supplemented Protected and Unprotected Aldehide
Riyanto, J.^1 ; Sudibya, S.^1
Animal Husbandry Department of Agriculture Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, Central-Java-Surakarta, Indonesia^1
关键词: Body weight;    Crude proteins;    Dry weight;    Elephant grass;    In-vivo;    Nutrient values;    Protein digestibility;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/119/1/012020/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/119/1/012020
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of soybean protection supplements in sheep ration in vivo in terms of consumption, digestibility, nutrient value index, and the digestible nutrients in the ration. Livestock used in this study were 15 heads of thintailed sheep male with an average body weight of 20.81 ± 1.40kg. The rations used in this study consisted of elephant grass, basal concentrate, soybean groats protected and without protected. The comparison between elephant grass and basalt concentrate is 30:70. Feed treatment in the form of supplementary concentrate from soybean groats ingredients without protection and protection. Protection of soybeans using 37% formaldehyde. The treatment given is P0 = 30% Elephant grass + 70% Basal concentrate, P1 = 30% Elephant grass + 60% Basal Concentrate + 10% soybeans groats without formaldehyde protection, and P2 = 30% Elephant grass + 60% Basal Concentrate + 10% soybeans groats formaldehyde protection. Supplementation of 10% soybean protected feeding in male thin tail sheep fattening ration had significant effect (P
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