3rd International Conference on Tropical and Coastal Region Eco Development 2017
Total lactic acid bacteria, antioxidant activity, and acceptance of synbiotic yoghurt with red ginger extract (Zingiberofficinale var. rubrum)
Larasati, B.A.^1 ; Panunggal, B.^1 ; Afifah, D.N.^1 ; Anjani, G.^1 ; Rustanti, N.^1
Department of Nutrition Science, Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University Semarang, Indonesia^1
关键词: Anti-oxidant activities;    Lactic acid bacteria;    Red ginger;    Synbiotic;    yoghurt;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/116/1/012037/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/116/1/012037
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Antioxidant related to oxidative stress can caused the metabolic disorders. A functional food that high in antioxidant can be use as the alternative prevention. The addition of red ginger extract in yoghurt could form a functional food, that high in antioxidant, synbiotic and fiber. The influence of red ginger extract on yoghurt synbiotic against lactic acid bacteria, antioxidant activity and acceptance were analyzed. This was an experimental research with one factor complete randomized design, specifically the addition of red ginger extract 0%; 0,1%; 0,3% and 0,5% into synbiotic yoghurt. Total plate count method used to analyze the lactic acid bacteria, 1-1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method for antioxidant activity, and acceptance analyzed with hedonic test. The higher the dose of extract added to synbiotic yoghurt, the antioxidant activity got significantly increased (ρ=0,0001), while the lactic acid bacteria got insignificantly decreased (ρ=0,085). The addition of 0,5% red ginger extract obtained the antioxidant activity of 71% and 4,86 × 1013CFU/ml on lactic acid bacteria, which the requirement for probiotic on National Standard of Indonesia is >107CFU/ml. The addition of extract had a significant effect on acceptance (ρ=0,0001) in flavor, color, and texture, but not aroma (ρ=0,266). The optimal product in this research was the yoghurt synbiotic with addition of 0,1% red ginger extract. To summarize, the addition of red ginger extract in synbiotic yoghurt had significant effect on antioxidant activity, flavor, color, and texture, but no significant effect on lactic acid bacteria and aroma.
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Total lactic acid bacteria, antioxidant activity, and acceptance of synbiotic yoghurt with red ginger extract (Zingiberofficinale var. rubrum) 151KB PDF download
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