3rd International Conference Environment and Sustainable Development of Territories: Ecological Challenges of the 21st Century
Bioconversion of oil sludge into biomass of lipid metabolites for use as a source of biofuel
Shchemelinina, T.N.^1 ; Matistov, N.V.^1 ; Markarova, M.Yu.^1 ; Anchugova, E.M.^1
Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IB Komi SC UB RAS), 28 Kommunisticheskaya str, Syktyvkar
167982, Russia^1
关键词: Anabaena sp;    Chlorella sp;    Contaminated environment;    Lipid metabolites;    Monoraphidium sp;    Oil sludge;    Petroleum hydrocarbons;    Yeast strain;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/107/1/012074/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/107/1/012074
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The possibilities for the generation of biofuel from the results of the accumulation of lipids in oil-contaminated environments were studied. This type of accumulation occurs in the biomass of yeast strains Rhodotorula sp. VKM Y-2993D; in bacteria like Pseudomonas libanensis B-3041D and in consortia of microalgal strains such as Acutodesmus obliquus Syko-A Ch-055-12, Chlorella sp. SYKO A Ch-011-10, Monoraphidium sp., and Anabaena sp. The most promising of these for processing petroleum hydrocarbons into biofuels was found to be the consortium of microalgal strains, the content of palmitic acid of which reached 49.0 %, thereby achieving a mid-range cetane number.

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