5th Geoinformation Science Symposium 2017
Spatial Numeric Classification Model Suitability with Landuse Change in Sustainable Food Agriculture Zone in Kediri Sub-district, Tabanan Regency, Indonesia
Trigunasih, N.M.^1 ; Lanya, I.^2 ; Hutauruk, J.^1 ; Arthagama, I.D.M.^2
Center for Spatial Data Infrastructure Development (PPIDS), Udayana University, Indonesia^1
Study Program Agroecotechnology, Faculty of Agiculture, Udayana University, Indonesia^2
关键词: Classification models;    Digital elevation model;    Geographical locations;    Infrastructure development;    Numerical classification;    Subak;    Sustainable;    Watershed morphology;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/98/1/012046/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/98/1/012046
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The development of rapid population will make the availability and utilization of land resources is increasingly shrinking in number, especially occurs in rice field. Since the last 5 years the numbers of farmland is decrasing by industry, infrastructure development, tourism development and other services. The agricultural problems facing at the moment is the occurrence of a change of use of agricultural land into farming now is not more popular is called over the function of agricultural land into non-farming. According to the Central Bureau of statistics (BPS) of the province of Bali (2013) within a period of 14 years (1999-2013), there has been a change of use of agricultural land be not agriculture/wetland functions over the 4,906 hectares. When averaged over the function flatten paddy fields per year occurred in Bali approximately 350 ha (0.41%). The highest paddy fields over the function during a period of fourteen years there is in Tabanan area of 1,230 ha. To maintain the existence of the rice fields or subak in Bali in particular, need to be done protection against agricultural lands sustainable. Ninth District/Town in Bali today, haven't had a Perda on protection of agricultural land sustainable food that is mandated by law 41 Year 2009. This will have an impact on food security of the region, and the world's cultural heritage as the water will lose its existence as a system of irrigation organization in Bali. The purpose of this research was done to (1) determine the numerical classification of spatial parameters of sustainable food farm in Tabanan Regency Kediri Subdistrict, (2) determine the model of the zoning of agricultural land area of sustainable food that fits on Years 2020, 2030, 2040, and in district of Kediri, Tabanan Regency. The method used is the kuantitaif method includes the focus group discussion, the development of spatial data, analysis geoprosessing (spatial analysis and analysis of proximity), and statistical analysis, interpolation of digital elevation model raster data, and visualization (cartography) and qualitative methods include the study of the literature (introduction). The research results obtained by as much as 23 rice fields mapped in spatial control system based on its geographical location. The parameters in the classification of sustainable food farming in district of Kediri consists of (1) the suitability of the location of a rice field with spatial Plan area of Tabanan Regency years 2012-2032, (2) land use, (3) Watershed morphology, (4) the type of irrigation, (5) rainfall, (6) the form region, (7) the high place, (8) the suitability of the agroecosystem paddy fields, (9) productivity, (10) the distance from the center of town, (11) minimum area. Spatial numerical classification produces a wide variety of modeling (5 models) and is associated with the projected changes in rice fields by the year 2020, 2030, and 2040. In the year 2020 using model 4 due to sustainable subak in model 4 of 2682.71 ha, approached the farm field area by the year in 2020 of 2684 ha. In the year 2030 using model 3 due to sustainable subak on the model is 1651.37 ha 3 plus 3/4 buffer subak of 773.51 ha be 2424.88 ha approached the farm field by the year in 2030 of 2364 ha. In the year 2040 using model 2 due to sustainable subak on the model of 307,99 ha 3 plus 3/4 buffer subak of 1781,04 ha be 2089,33 ha approached the farm field by the year in 2040 of 2033 ha.

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