2017 International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy System
Low-cost data acquisition systems for photovoltaic system monitoring and usage statistics
Fanourakis, S.^1 ; Wang, K.^2 ; McCarthy, P.^1 ; Jiao, L.^1
School of Engineering, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids
49504, United States^1
Forest Hills Central High School, Grand Rapids
49546, United States^2
关键词: Analog to digital converters;    Battery temperature;    Charge controllers;    Current-sensing resistors;    Data acquisition system;    Electrical quantities;    Photovoltaic systems;    Voltage amplification;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/93/1/012048/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/93/1/012048
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
This paper presents the design of a low-cost data acquisition system for monitoring a photovoltaic system's electrical quantities, battery temperatures, and state of charge of the battery. The electrical quantities are the voltages and currents of the solar panels, the battery, and the system loads. The system uses an Atmega328p microcontroller to acquire data from the photovoltaic system's charge controller. It also records individual load information using current sensing resistors along with a voltage amplification circuit and an analog to digital converter. The system is used in conjunction with a wall power data acquisition system for the recording of regional power outages. Both data acquisition systems record data in micro SD cards. The data has been successfully acquired from both systems and has been used to monitor the status of the PV system and the local power grid. As more data is gathered it can be used for the maintenance and improvement of the photovoltaic system through analysis of the photovoltaic system's parameters and usage statistics.
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