Energy Management of Municipal Transportation Facilities and Transport - EMMFT 2017
Calculating the strength of water pipes for their rehabilitation with the application of polymer hoses
Primin, Oleg^1
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, 26, Yaroslavskoye shosse, Moscow
129337, Russia^1
关键词: Application of polymers;    Double layer structure;    Pipe rehabilitation;    Pipeline construction;    Strength calculation methods;    Technical conditions;    Trenchless rehabilitation;    Trenchless technologies;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/90/1/012029/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/90/1/012029
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Such factors as: the growing deterioration and unsatisfactory technical condition of the pipes of water supply and wastewater disposal networks in Russian cities and other inhabited localities, as well as limited (under the conditions of Russian housing and utilities sector reforming) funding of pipeline renovation and rehabilitation have considerably aggravated the problem of pipe reliability provision. These factors make pipe renovation and rehabilitation quite a topical issue.A very promising trend in the field of pipeline construction and renovation named "trenchless technologies" has been commonly used in the world in recent years. As a result of this, a wide choice of different construction materials used for pipe rehabilitation appeared in the market. Under the conditions of densely built-up urban areas, these methods are of great current interest for city utilities. Quite different pipe renovation methods are used currently but the most popular method comprises the application of a flexible polymeric hose that makes it possible to form a new composite pipe inside the old one. The wall thickness of such a hose is among the important factors that have an impact on the cost and efficiency of pipe renovation methods based on the application of flexible polymeric hoses. The hose wall thickness is determined on the basis of calculating the "soil - old pipe - hose" system in view of its static stability. The article describes the technology for the trenchless rehabilitation of water pipes and the strength calculation method for a "pipe - polymeric hose" double-layer structure.
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