World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium 2016
Sulphates Removal from Acid Mine Drainage
Luptáková, Alena^1 ; Maingová, Eva^1 ; Kotuliová, Ingrida^1 ; Rudzanová, Dominika^1
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geotechnics, Watsonova 45, Koice
040 01, Slovakia^1
关键词: Acid mine drainage;    Anaerobic conditions;    Bacterial sulphate reductions;    Environmental friendly methods;    Sulphate-reducing bacteria;    Synthetic sorbents;    Terminal electron acceptors;    Treatment techniques;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/44/5/052040/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/44/5/052040
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Acid mine drainage (AMD) are a worldwide problem leading to ecological destruction in river basins and the contamination of water sources. AMD are characterized by low pH and high content of heavy metals and sulphates. In order to minimize negative impacts of AMD appropriate treatment techniques has to be chosen. Treatment processes are focused on neutralizing, stabilizing and removing pollutants. From this reason efficient and environmental friendly methods are needed to be developed in order to reduce heavy metals as well as sulphates. Various methods are used for remediation of acid mine drainage, but any of them have been applied under commercial-scale conditions. Their application depends on geochemical, technical, natural, financial, and other factors. The aim of the present work was to interpret the study of biological methods for sulphates removal from AMD out-flowing from the shaft Pech of the deposit Smolmk in Slovak Republic. In the experimental works AMD were used after removal of heavy metals by precipitation and sorption using the synthetic sorbent Slovakite. The base of the studied method for the sulphates elimination was the anaerobic bacterial sulphate reduction using sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) genera Desulfovibrio. SRB represent a group of bacteria that uses sulphates as a terminal electron acceptor for their metabolism. These bacteria realize the conversion of sulphate to hydrogen sulphide under anaerobic conditions. For the purposes of experiments a few variants of the selective medium DSM-63 culture media were used in term of the sulphates and sodium lactate contents in the selective medium as well as sulphates in the studied AMD.
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