2019 2nd International Conference of Green Buildings and Environmental Management
There Has Been a Long Road for Blind Road--Dujiangyan Blind Road System Research Based on Space Perception
Zhong, Haijie^1 ; Chen, Youjia^1 ; Chen, Zhichao^1
Urban and Rural Planning, Sichuan Agricultural University, Dujiangyan, Sichuan
611830, China^1
关键词: Blind people;    Practical use;    Road systems;    Space perception;    Space planning;    Track systems;    Trunk roads;    Urban road;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/310/2/022078/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/310/2/022078
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

In recent years, with the continuous increase of the number of blind people in China, the construction of blind roads and their ancillary facilities has become the focus of urban road pedestrian space planning and design. However, in practical use, the existing blind path does not really solve the problem of blind people's travel and there are few blind people on the blind path. We use part of the primary and secondary trunk road and branch of the blind road in Dujiangyan city as an example. By simulating the blind, feeling the blind track system in person, using the SD method to evaluate the status quo of the use of the existing blind road, we analyse and summarize the blind road system of Dujiangyan city from the angle of space perception, so as to provide certain reference and reference for the blind road system planning of city road pedestrian space.

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