4th International Scientific Conference "Arctic: History and Modernity"
Information and analytical support for the industrial and ecological safety management of Arctic communications
Yakovlev, S.^1 ; Putilov, V.^1 ; Masloboev, A.^1
Institute for Informatics and Mathematical Modeling, Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre, Kola Science Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia^1
关键词: Assembly technology;    Dangerous objects;    Ecological safety;    Emergency control;    Information and analytical systems;    Managerial decision;    Northern sea routes;    Structured problems;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/302/1/012032/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/302/1/012032
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The article is devoted to information technologies for ensuring the technogenic-ecological safety of the Arctic communications development. Creation of information technologies requires taking into account of global, federal, regional features and developing of modern methods and approaches to hazards and risks modeling and assessing. An assembly technology for weakly structured problem-oriented information in the field of Arctic regions safety management has been developed. A feature of the technology is the use of modifiable structures - patterns, which ensures the automation of the project domain conceptual model generation. An information and analytical system to support emergency control planning at the level of potentially hazardous industrial objects and complexes has been developed. By integrating the functions of accessing to the normative and methodical foundation, of generating the typical planning documents, of risk estimating and of maintaining the safety management archive the system ensures the fast generation of the necessary plans and documents for the prevention and elimination of typical industrial and natural accidents. The system was tested during the designing of planning documents for a number of potentially dangerous objects and complexes of the Murmansk region and the applied problems solving in field of Northern Sea Route ecological safety. The obtained results provide a time reduction and a labor saving for the design and coordination of managerial decisions in the socio-economic and natural-technogenic regional crisis situations. Developments can also be used to new systems synthesize for distributed safety management of complex socio-economic objects, as well as to improve the operability and accuracy of existing systems for safety support of critically important objects and infrastructures.

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