3rd International Symposium on Resource Exploration and Environmental Science
Research on Application Technology of Iron Tailings in Artificial Sand
Cui, Zhengxu^1
Jilin University of Architecture and Technology, Changchun, China^1
关键词: Application technologies;    Comprehensive recovery;    Ecological environments;    Ecological protection;    Employment problems;    Environmental benefits;    Environmental pollutions;    Mining development;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/300/2/022114/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/300/2/022114
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Iron tailings are the solid waste discharged by the concentration plant after useful components is selected from the ore, which is an important source of environmental pollution in mining development. Iron tailings not only needs to occupy a lot of land and cause great harm to the surrounding ecological environment, but also needs to treatment and maintenance costs. The comprehensive recovery and utilization of iron tailings resources can not only make full use of mineral resources, expand the utilization scope of mineral resources, as well as extending the service life of the mine, it is also an important means of pollution control and ecological protection, can also save a lot of land and capital, solve the employment problem, benefit the human society, and realize the effective unification of resource benefit, economic benefit, social benefit and environmental benefit, after many years of research, iron tailings can be used in artificial sand making. This paper analyses the current status condition of iron tailings and attempts to provide some useful suggestions and countermeasures for the utilization of iron tailings.
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