2019 5th International Conference on Energy Materials and Environment Engineering
Preparation and Properties of Graphene Anticorrosive Coatings for Transmission Towers
Yang, Liu^1^2^3 ; Xin, Li^1^2 ; Yu, He Zhen^1^2 ; Z.Y., Ju ; D., Jing ; W.J., Hui ; Z.Y., Li
Nanrui Group (State Grid Electric Power Research Institute) Co. Ltd., Nanjing, Jiangsu
211106, China^1
Guodian Nanrui Technology Co. Ltd., Nanjing, Jiangsu
211106, China^2
Beijing Guodian Futong Technology Development Co. Ltd., Beijing
100070, China^3
关键词: Anti-corrosion coating;    Anti-corrosive coatings;    Functional Nano materials;    Layered Structures;    Operating environment;    Overhead conductors;    Transmission and distribution;    Transmission tower;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/295/3/032105/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/295/3/032105
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The transmission tower is one of the largest equipment facilities in the transmission and distribution line network. It is mainly used to support the connection of overhead conductors to ensure the safe and stable transmission of power transmission lines. Due to the vast territory of China and the wide distribution of transmission towers, the operating environment faced by transmission towers is also extremely complex. In addition to the pulling force given by the transmission line, rain, snow, dust, salt spray, acid rain and other substances cause erosion and corrosion on the transmission tower. The use of anti-corrosion coatings is an effective way to avoid erosion and corrosion of transmission tower. Therefore, it is very important to prepare an anti-corrosion coating suitable for transmission towers for the safe operation of transmission towers. Graphene is a new type of functional nano-material that attracts attention. Its special layered structure can effectively shield the material, reduce the internal stress of the coating, and improve the adhesion, mechanical properties, anti-corrosion effect and other properties of the coating.
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