International Conference on Animal Production for Food Sustainability
The utilization of different binders for pelleted native chicken ration based on coconut meat waste supplemented with mannanolytic thermophilic bacteria and thermostable mannanase: a physical characteristic of pelleted native chicken ration
Harnentis^1 ; Marlida, Yetti^1 ; Amizar, Robi^1
Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, Andalas University, Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia^1
关键词: Angle of response;    Completely randomized designs;    Different binders;    Mannanase;    Meat wastes;    Pelleted native chicken;    Physical characteristics;    Thermophilic bacteria;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/287/1/012017/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/287/1/012017
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

This research aim was to know the influence of addition of binders (bentonite, tapioca flour, gambier liquid waste, and onggok) on physical characteristics of pelleted native chicken ration based on coconut meat waste supplemented with mannanolytic thermophilic bacteria and thermostable mannanase. A completely randomized design was applied in this experiment with five treatments and five replicates. Moisture content, angle of response, bulk and compacted bulk densities, specific gravity, compaction rate, and pellet durability were determined. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance according to completely randomized design and Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Data indicated that moisture content, bulk density, compact bulk density and pellet durability affected significantly by binders, while angle of response, specific gravity and compaction rate had no affected by the presence of binders. Moisture content, bulk density, compacted bulk density, pellet durability of ration with binders were significantly different with ration without binder. Ration with gambier liquid waste binder had the highest value for bulk density and compacted bulk density, i.e. 1.36 g/cm3±0.011 and 1.46 g/cm3±001 respectively, while the value of pellet durability in ration with bentonite and tapioca flour binders were higher than others (98.63±0.11 and 98.49±0.05). It is concluded that the addition of binders in native chicken ration based on coconut meat waste supplemented with mannanolytic thermophilic bacteria and thermostable mannanase pelleted were able to improve the physical characteristic of native breed chicken ration.

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The utilization of different binders for pelleted native chicken ration based on coconut meat waste supplemented with mannanolytic thermophilic bacteria and thermostable mannanase: a physical characteristic of pelleted native chicken ration 608KB PDF download
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