International Conference on Geoscience
Study of Climate Determination Analysis Based On Pallontara / Papananrang and Rainfall Opportunities in Sidrap District
Yassi, Amir^1 ; Kaimuddin^1 ; Bahrun, Abdul Haris^1 ; Sahur, Asmiaty^1
Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia^1
关键词: Agricultural development;    climate;    Climate forecasts;    Comparison analysis;    Cropping patterns;    Monthly rainfalls;    Pallontara/Pananrang;    Several variables;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/279/1/012052/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/279/1/012052
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Climate change is shown by the increasing imbalance in the amount of water in the dry season and rainy season. Thus, people experience water shortages in the dry season and floods in the rainy season, thus disrupting all schedules and cropping patterns which result in crop productivity decreasing until the harvest. Often the results of observations via satellite or meteorological instruments by the Agency for Meteorology and Geophysics are opposite in issuing a forecast of seasons with pallontara and papananrang in determining the weather/climate conditions that will occur. So that the results of these different forecasts can cause panic in planning agricultural development programs in the following year, no wonder the planning of agricultural development programs at the central level is often also out of sync especially in the timing (season) Estimates of the season that will occur in a year can be determined from the results of the scavenger gathering (meetings of civil servants, stake holders, researchers and universities). Specific objectives of the study to obtain a description of next year's climate forecast indicators are determined by several variables used pallontara and as a comparison analysis rainfall from several years. The results of the study that some indicators used by Pallontara in predicting climate are based on Islamic calendar, astronomical factors, behavior of organisms, observation of vegetation and observations of the moon. Whereas as a comparison used monthly rainfall data from several Sidrap Regency stations.
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