International science and technology conference "Earth science"
Substantiation of Choice of Method of Manufacturing and Delivery of Emulsion Explosives in Modern Conditions of Functioning of Mining Enterprises
Domozhirov, D.V.^1 ; Pytalev, I.A.^1 ; Nosov, I.I.^1 ; Nosov, V.I.^1 ; Gaponova, I.V.^1
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 28, Lenina ave., Magnitogorsk
455000, Russia^1
关键词: Adaptation models;    Emulsion explosives;    Mining companies;    Mining enterprise;    Outsourcing companies;    Outsourcing projects;    Preparation process;    Production capacity;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/272/2/022178/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/272/2/022178
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The paper shows the mineral deposits of the southern Urals, which do open-pit mining with the use of emulsion explosives (EE). The classification of EE type "water in oil" is developed depending on the main components of the emulsion matrix at the final stage of its production. Possible variants of mobile technological complexes and their adaptation in the conditions of the market and modern conditions of functioning of the mining enterprises are presented. Technological chain is presented from point of fabrication emulsion on base mobile technological complexes to the loading downhole charges with emulsion explosives. The ways to improve the competitiveness by an example of famous mining enterprises with different production capacity, wich use emulsion explosives of the type "water in oil", are shown and worked over. Adaptation models are developed to improve the efficiency of mining enterprises in the conditions of modern market relations by transferring the preparation process to outsourcing or partial outsourcing to companies with special mobile technological complexes. The scheme of relations between mining companies and outsourcing companies and the efficiency of the outsourcing project is shown on the example of the organization LLC "Ural Sibirit" (Magnitogorsk), which manufactures emulsion explosives "Sibirit-1000 and 1200" on base of mobile technological complex.
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