2018 4th International Conference on Environmental Science and Material Application
Hybrid Stormwater Management Approaches in a High-Plateau Watershed in Southwest China
Zhang, Zhenyu^1^2 ; Gu, Junjie^1 ; Zhang, Guoshun^3 ; Ning, Ping^1 ; Ma, Wenjing^3 ; Zhao, Lei^4 ; Shen, Jian^2
Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming
650093, China^1
School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai
200240, China^2
Nanjing Smartwater Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., Nanjing
210039, China^3
School of Information Science and Technology, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming
650092, China^4
关键词: Green infrastructure;    Ground water recharge;    Impervious surface;    Low impact development;    Natural runoff conditions;    Storm-water managements;    Stormwater best management practices;    Water quality impact;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/252/4/042021/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/252/4/042021
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Urbanization is known to have adverse hydrologic and water quality impacts to natural runoff conditions. Conversion of pervious land to impervious surfaces leads to increased runoff volume, peak flow rate, and pollutant load, as well as reduced groundwater recharge. The last two decades has witnessed a paradigm shift in stormwater management, with the traditional "end-of-pipe" stormwater best management practices (BMPs) being replaced with green infrastructures (GIs). Using low impact development (LID) practices to treat runoff at its source, the goal for GI design is to mimic pre-development runoff conditions. This study evaluates and compares several stormwater management alternatives in a high-plateau watershed in southwest China, where unique landscape, climate, and eco-sensitive locations make sustainable stormwater a challenging task. Two GI-only, one gray-only, and one hybrid stormwater management designs were assessed for the watershed. The results indicate that while the gray-only scenario is relatively effective in reducing post-development peak flow rates (around 30%), it is much less effective (12%) in reducing runoff volume. In comparison, the GI-only scenario is less effective in reducing peak flow rates (11% to 29%). The hybrid stormwater management approach, however, is able to strike a balance between reducing post-development runoff volume (66%), peak flow rate (36% to 68%), and pollutant load (over 80%), and at the same time encouraging groundwater recharge and rain water reuse.

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