Conference on Innovation in Technology and Engineering Science
Design of ergonomic grated coconut squeezer
Dewi, D.C.^1 ; Novrianti^1 ; Handayani, C.^1 ; Wulandari, O.^1 ; Nurhayati, I.^1
National College of Technology (STITEKNAS), Jambi, Indonesia^1
关键词: Anthropometric data;    Fatigue analysis;    Paired-sample t-test;    Percentile calculation;    Product sizes;    Pulse rate;    Small industries;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/602/1/012043/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/602/1/012043
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The use of machines with manual technology is still a mainstay for small industries, especially home industries. One of them is the activity of squeezing grated coconut that still uses hands repeatedly. Users experience musculoskeletal complaints in the hands, body, and neck. The design of grated coconut squeezer has the aim to create a squeezer that provides comfort and does not cause musculoskeletal complaints. This design uses anthropometric theory to produce the product size according to the user. The anthropometric data used in the form of pulse size and standard Nordic Questionnaire (SNQ) filling questionnaire were carried out directly. Data processing was carried out by the sufficiency test, and data uniformity, percentile calculation, fatigue analysis, and statistical tests. The result of this design is an ergonomic grated coconut squeezer. Based on the statistical test Paired Sample t-Test is known the difference in pulse rate before and after using a grated coconut squeezer that illustrates the results of the device being made.
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