7th Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering
Determination of a methodology for formulating constituent models of high entropy alloys
Matache, L.C.^1 ; Chereches, T.^2 ; Lixandru, P.^2 ; Mazuru, A.^3 ; Mitrica, D.^4 ; Trana, E.^1 ; Somoiag, P.^1 ; Rotariu, A.N.^1
Military Technical Academy, 39-49 George Cosbuc Avenue, Bucharest, Romania^1
S.C. UPS PILOT ARM SRL, 19 Unirii Avenue, Bucharest, Romania^2
Technical University of Moldova, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Transport, 168 Stefan cel Mare Bulevard, Chisinau, Moldova^3
Institute of Non-ferrous and Rare Metals, Pantelimon, Romania^4
关键词: Dynamic characterization;    Dynamic regimes;    High strain rates;    Iterative process;    Material constitutive models;    Mechanical characterizations;    Numerical methodologies;    Quasi-static conditions;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/591/1/012058/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/591/1/012058
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
A program, based on static and dynamic regime tests and correspondent numerical simulations, was conceived to be appliedfor high entropy alloys mechanical characterization. The objective was to establish a combined experimental & numerical methodology for dynamic characterization of high entropy materials in high strain rate processes. The results of static tests were used to draw the characteristic diagrams of the real material. Based on the results obtained in the compression test, a numerical simulation was performed and a material constitutive model was determined in quasi-static conditions by an iterative process. In the formulating process of constitutive equations for high entropy materials, the dynamic experimental results obtained on SHPB were interpreted using similar simulated numerical models. The methodology conceived in this paper is applicable in materials science for the determination of the constitutive models of new materials.
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