3rd International Scientific and Technical Conference “Energy Systems”
Analysis of the environmental factors influence on the efficiency of photovoltaic systems
Zatsarinnaya, J.N.^1 ; Amirov, D.I.^1 ; Zemskova, L.V.^1
Department of Electric Stations, Kazan State Power Engineering University, Krasnoselskaya St.51, Kazan
420066, Russia^1
关键词: Economic damages;    Environmental factors;    Geographical conditions;    Modern technologies;    Photovoltaic systems;    Renewable energy power;    Renewable energy source;    Wholesale electricity;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/552/1/012033/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/552/1/012033
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The development of civilization is associated with the creation of various methods of energy conversion. Humanity has come a long way from the water wheel to modern power plants. Though earlier people did not think about the damage to the environment from the work of a number of power plants, today this cannot be ignored. Renewable energy sources (RES) and their using by modern technologies claim to play a significant role in the world energy sector. Support for the development of RES in Russia is currently based on compensation of costs under contracts for the sale of power in the wholesale electricity and power market. According to the results of the competition of the Trading System Administrator, projects under the contracts for renewable energy power supply selected. Analysis of bids of the Trading System Administrator (TSA) showed that until 2023 will be introduced 1.8 GW of solar power plants, so the actual goal will be the correct operation of them in the weather conditions of Russia. Pollution of various types, which can be on the panels can affect the operation of solar panels (SP) and prevent the ingress of solar radiation on them. The article investigates the influence of various types of pollutants on the power generated by solar panels and promising places for the construction of solar plants in the climatic and geographical conditions of Russia, taking into account possible polluting factors, which can lead to total economic damage of up to 15 million rubles per year.
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