Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies 2018
Electro-catalytic and photo-catalytic reformation of CO2_reactions and efficiencies processes (Review)
Knoks, A.^1 ; Lesnicenoks, P.^1 ; Kleperis, J.^1 ; Grinberga, L.^1 ; Hodakovska, J.^1 ; Klavins, J.^1 ; Cikvaidze, G.^1 ; Lukosevics, I.^1
Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, Kengaraga street 8, Riga
LV - 1063, Latvia^1
关键词: Electrocatalytic;    Electrocatalytic reduction;    Oxidation potentials;    Proof of concept;    Reaction process;    Reformation process;    Technological methods;    Various technologies;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/503/1/012009/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/503/1/012009
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Energy harvesting with lowest environmental impact is one of key elements for cleaner future. Photocatalytic as well as electrocatalytic CO2 reformation processes are considered as prominent methods. Thus, extensive research of CO2 reformation is being done to find the right materials that holds crucial qualities. For photocatalysis that includes pronounced separation of light-generated opposite sign charge carriers, sensitivity to visible light, high quantum yield. In electrocatalysis high CO2 adsorption, chemical stability, multielectron reaction catalysts are necessary. Additionally, materials participating in the reaction process must be provided with charge carriers at proper reduction and oxidation potentials. To meet the set goal of lowering environmental impact and lower CO2 amounts exhausted into the atmosphere by human activities, it is necessary to find right technology for capturing, storing, and reusing carbon dioxide. Various technologies and materials in different levels of readiness are available and under development, such as CuO loaded TiO2 nanotubes for photocatalytic reformation or electrocatalytic reduction on copper. Not only the proof of concept is necessary but estimation and more importantly determination of the efficiency of both electro and photo catalytic reformation of CO2. In this work review of reactions and efficiency of both processes based on existing established technological methods is done.
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