International Scientific Conference "Digital Transformation on Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Service"
Digital transformation of trade: problems and prospects of marketing activities
Ianenko, Marina^1 ; Ianenko, Mikhail^2 ; Huhlaev, Dmitriy^3 ; Martynenko, Oksana^4
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Politechnicheskaya str., 29, Saint Petersburg
195251, Russia^1
SEC ETU JSC, Politechnicheskaya str., 22, Saint Petersburg
194021, Russia^2
Don State Technical University, Gagarina sq., 1, Rostov-on-Don
344000, Russia^3
Kaliningrad State Technical University, Sovietsky ave., 1, Kaliningrad
236022, Russia^4
关键词: Automation of planning;    Commercial enterprise;    Digital environment;    Digital transformation;    External environments;    Marketing activities;    Marketing information;    Promotion strategies;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/497/1/012118/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/497/1/012118
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The article analyzes the basic concepts that characterize the problems of digital transformation of economy; identifies the main directions of the transformation of trade in the digital economy, characterized by increased competition, dramatically increased opportunities for collecting and processing data using artificial intelligence, changing consumer behavior in the digital environment. The key problems of the development of trade enterprises are formulated: improvement of digital methods for collecting, processing, analyzing marketing information; organization of interaction with consumers in the digital environment; automation of planning and implementation of marketing activities. Directions of improving the marketing activities of a commercial enterprise stipulated by the digital transformation are specified: in the development of product policy it is the emergence of fundamentally new 'smart' goods and services; modernization of traditional goods, aimed at implementing the functions of interaction in the digital environment at the level of goods-goods, goods-external environment, goods-people; formation of new markets for devices, equipment, systems of interaction of various objects; in the development of pricing policy, it is taking into account both the possibility of a 'skimming' strategy when introducing a product with new characteristics to the market, and a rapid price drop; accounting for the emergence of a large number of services, price comparison for goods and services, systems of interaction with the buyer in real time, offering goods and services in a given place at a given time and at the best prices; when developing a promotion strategy taking into account the factor of interaction in cyberspace.
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