International Conference on Information Technology and Digital Applications 2018
In the making of effective decision making in public health domain with business intelligence dashboard
Setiawan, M.A.^1
Department of Informatics, Universitas Islam, Indonesia^1
关键词: Economic situation;    Health administration;    Health condition;    Health information systems;    Health informations;    Indonesia;    Quality of information;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/482/1/012029/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/482/1/012029
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The easy access towards public health information system is one of the most important aspects in improving general health public. Today, people have more privilege to travel than a few decades ago as flight cost is getting cheaper and the economic situation for many people are better. However, this also brought some consequences that disease also easily move from one place to another. Hence, for many countries, it is necessary for many public health institutions to be able to check current health information system in more accurate and can answer problems that often happened. One of the approaches that have been used to improve the readability of public health information is through Business Intelligence (BI). BI allows health administration to get a good quality of information that can help them to decide. BI has its role as a decision support system that is based on collected facts. However, there are still lots of challenges in implementing BI for public health information system that needs to be addressed. In Indonesia, public health data are collected, but then some studies have suggested that data that have been collected just sitting idle in the repository, and have not been used effectively to help health administration managing the public health. We proposed a system that can help health administration to decide what needs to be done to improve the public health. This information is able to help health administration to show problems and allows them to assign priority to improve the overall public health condition.

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