3rd World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning Symposium
Restructuring of A Walled Enclosure Almohade to an Urban Universally Accessible Area: The Historical City of Cáceres
Fernandez-Nicolas, Jose Antonio^1 ; Jimenez-Espada, Montana^1
University of Extremadura, School of Technology, Construction Department, Avda de la Universidad s/n, Cáceres
CP - 10003, Spain^1
关键词: Accessible areas;    City council;    Historical cities;    Iberian Peninsula;    Significant points;    Strategic locations;    Urban accessibilities;    Urban structure;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/471/9/092086/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/471/9/092086
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
This article presents the results of an investigation of the current urban accessibility in the within-walls area of the historical complex of the city of Cáceres, included by UNESCO in 1986 on the World Heritage List. The construction of the wall dates back from the 12th century, during the Almohad period in Hizn Qazris. By that time, it was a strategic location for the conquest of Christian territory in the Iberian Peninsula. This enclosure was reinforced with towers and defensive bastions, which, together with the orography, elevated on a tableland, conferred an urban space protected of possible invaders. The study model is based on the comparison of that original city, which today remains as a true reflection of the originally planned, with the legislation on urban accessibility and its "true adaptation" to the significant points of public urban itineraries within the walled city. To develop the research, the data from the geographical information system of the City Council of Cáceres has been used. This implies its heritage databases, architectural settings, street slope maps and other significant factors, for their functional understanding as a model of historical city adapted to the present. The technical-administrative bureaucracy and the preservation of the historical-artistic heritage need to coexist in a close relationship with the City's will of promotion of its patrimonial tourism as a means of funding to preserve the old part as a whole (both in terms of architecture and urban structure). Implemented actions and proposals for future interventions submitted to the competent bodies for approval are presented, applying a model of urban accessibility promotion to try to achieve actual universal accessibility for all types of users. Obviously, very often, the existing conditions set important limitations but, even without reaching regulatory compliance, could undoubtedly improve the critical points detected.
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