Seventeenth Annual SAS Users Group International Conference
Building DataDriven Applications Using the SAS' Applications System: Selected Techniques
Staff of SAS Consulting Services Inc. ; Rockville ; MD
PID  :  87523
来源: CEUR
【 摘 要 】
This tutorial describes a system architecture by which an applicationcan be maintained and enhanced through changes to data andparameter files. An application designed this way allows for moreflexibility and lower maintenance than one in which code is writtento perform specific functions. The generalized code in a datadrivensystem performs under the direction of parameters, allowing anychanges to be implemented by altering values in parameter filesinstead of changing the source code. Examples include such casesas adding new reports changing or reordering menu items controlling user access and security.Sample programs that make use of SAS/AP and SAS/FSP soft ware using Screen Control Language(SCl), the Sal procedure,and the SAS macro facility are presented and described in detail.Because the datadriven approach can be adapted to a wide varietyof dataprocessing tasks involving varying degrees of complexity,the techniques presented here merit attention as models which may
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