Studies in International Development and Globalization
Pro-Poor Land Reform : A Critique
Borras Saturnino
keywords: Philippines;    land reform;    Agriculture;   
Publisher: University of Ottawa Press / Les Presses de l��Universit�� d��Ottawa
【 摘 要 】
Using empirical case materials from the Philippines and referring to rich experiences from different countries historically, this book offers conceptual and practical conclusions that have far-reaching implications for land reform throughout the world. Examining land reform theory and practice, this book argues that conventional practices have excluded a significant portion of land-based production and distribution relationships, while they have inadvertently included land transfers that do not constitute real redistributive reform. By direct implication, this book is a critique of both mainstream market led agrarian reform and conventional state-led land reform. It offers an alternative perspective on how to move forward in theory and practice and opens new paths in land policy research.
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