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来源:A Resource for Functional Genomics to Support Soybean Genetics and Breeding , 116卷 , 2016

作者:Stacey MG, Cahoon RE, Nguyen H, Cui Y, Sato S, Nguyen CT, Phoka N, Clark K, Liang Y, Forrester J, Sleper D, Clemente TE, Cahoon EB, Stacey G. 


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来源:A Resource for Functional Genomics to Support Soybean Genetics and Breeding , 2016

作者:Michno JM, Wang X, Liu J, Curtin SJ, Kono TJ, Stupar RM. 


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来源:A Resource for Functional Genomics to Support Soybean Genetics and Breeding , 2016

作者:Campbell BW, Hofstad AN, Sreekanta S, Fu F, Kono TJY, O?Rourke JA, Vance CP, Muehlbauer GJ, Stupar RM. 


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来源:A Resource for Functional Genomics to Support Soybean Genetics and Breeding , 29卷 , 2015

作者:Dobbels AA, Michno JM, Campbell BW, Virdi KS, Stec AO, Muehlbauer GJ, Naeve SL, Stupar RM. 


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来源:A Resource for Functional Genomics to Support Soybean Genetics and Breeding , 2015

作者:Payero, Lisette;Outten, Giselle;Burckhalter, Courtney;等


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来源:A Resource for Functional Genomics to Support Soybean Genetics and Breeding , 19卷 , 2014

作者:Campbell BW, Stupar RM. 


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