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来源:High Performance Computing System Acquisition: Jetstream - A Self-Provisioned, Scalable Science and Engineering Cloud Environment , 38卷 , 2016

作者:atthew C. Chambers, Pratik D. Jagtap, James E. Johnson, Thomas McGowan, Praveen Kumar, Getiria Onsongo, Candace R. Guerrero, Harald Barsnes, Marc Vaudel, Lennart Martens, Björn Grüning, Ira R. Cooke, Mohammad Heydarian, Karen L. Reddy, Timothy J. Griff. 


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来源:High Performance Computing System Acquisition: Jetstream - A Self-Provisioned, Scalable Science and Engineering Cloud Environment , 2015

作者:Swetnam, T. L, P. D. Brooks, H. R. Barnard, A. A. Harpold, E. L. Gallo. 


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来源:High Performance Computing System Acquisition: Jetstream - A Self-Provisioned, Scalable Science and Engineering Cloud Environment , 62卷 , 2014

作者:Milad Memarzadeh, Carl Boettiger. 


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来源:High Performance Computing System Acquisition: Jetstream - A Self-Provisioned, Scalable Science and Engineering Cloud Environment , 62卷 , 2014

作者:Milad Memarzadeh, Carl Boettiger. 


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来源:High Performance Computing System Acquisition: Jetstream - A Self-Provisioned, Scalable Science and Engineering Cloud Environment , C74卷 , 2014

作者:Craig A. Stewart. 


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来源:High Performance Computing System Acquisition: Jetstream - A Self-Provisioned, Scalable Science and Engineering Cloud Environment , C74卷 , 2014

作者:Craig A. Stewart. 


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