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作者:Sevryukov, O.N.^1, Fedotov, V.T.^1, Polyansky, A.A.^1
关键词:Absorbing capacity;Absorbing coatings;...
会议举办机构:National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Kashirskoye highway 31, Moscow
2 The impact of the initial state on the kinetics of oxidation ion- modified fuel cladding alloy E110 [会议论文]
作者:Kalin, B.A.^1;Volkov, N.V.^1;Valikov, R.A.^1;等
关键词:Fuel cladding;Initial state;...
会议举办机构:National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Kashirskoe highway, 31, Moscow
作者:Dzhumaev, P.^1;Yakushin, V.^1;Kalin, B.^1;等
关键词:Corrosion mechanisms;Homogeneous distribution;...
会议举办机构:National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Kashirskoe highway, 31, Moscow
作者:Zholnin, A.G.^1;Melekhov, A.P.^1;Hafizov, R.S.^1;等
关键词:Comparative studies;Impurities in;...
会议举办机构:National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Kashirskoe highway, 31, Moscow
作者:Isaenkova, M.G.^1;Perlovich, Yu A.^1;Krymskaya, O.A.^1;等
关键词:3D finite element model;Calculation algorithms;...
会议举办机构:National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Kashirskoe highway, 31, Moscow
6 Issues of intergranular embrittlement of VVER-type nuclear reactors pressure vessel materials [会议论文]
作者:Zabusov, O.^1,2
关键词:Ductile-to-brittle transition temperature shifts;Hardening mechanism;...
会议举办机构:National Research Centre, Kurchatov Institute, Kurchatov sq.1, Moscow