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作者:Madruga, Ewerton L.^1;David, Rodrigo^1;De Souza, Rodolfo Sabóia^1;等
关键词:Drive test;Mobile broadband;...
会议举办机构:INMETRO-Instituto Nacional de Metrologia e Qualidade e Tecnologia, Diretoria de Metrologia Científica (Dimci), Divisão de Metrologia de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicações, Av. Nossa Senhora das Gracas, Predio 6, RJ 50, Duque de Caxias
作者:Silva, C.R.^1;Guedes, M.B.^1;Pereira, N.C.E.^1;等
关键词:Control plate;Faraday modulators;...
会议举办机构:Laboratory of Colorimetry and Spectrophotometry (Lacoe), Optical Metrology Division (Diopt), National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro), Av. N. Sr.a das Graças 50, Duque de Caxias Xerém, RJ
作者:Jório, Ado;Achete, Carlos;Vasconcelos, Flávio;等
作者:Lopez, F.^1, Cabral, T.S.^2, Peixoto, J.G.^2
关键词:Radiation protection dosimetry;Theoretical calculations
会议举办机构:Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria, Brazil^1
作者:Rajoy, R.R.S.^1,2;Dias, J.W.C.^2;Rego, E.C.P.^2;等
关键词:Atmospheric particulate matter;Co-located;...
会议举办机构:National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology-INMETRO, Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil^1
6 Evaluation of critical indicators in the process of acquiring supplies and services LAC-UFPE [会议论文]
作者:Caetano, V.F.^1;Ferreira, C.V.^2;Dos Santos, M.J.^3;等
关键词:Certified reference materials;ISO/IEC 17025;...
会议举办机构:Departament of Chemical Engineering, University Federal of Pernambuco, PE, Brazil^1