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1 Peer review statement [会议论文]



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作者:Nikonova, L.G.^1, Golovatskaya, E.A.^1, Terechshenko, N.N.^2

关键词:Decomposition rate;Mineral nitrogen;...

会议举办机构:Inst. of Monitoring of Climat. and Ecol. Syst. of the Siberian Br. of the Russ. Academy of Sciences, 10/3 Academichesky Ave., Tomsk


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作者:Serebrennikova, O.V.^1,2;Strelnikova, E.B.^1;Duchko, M.A.^2;等

关键词:Climatic conditions;Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry;...

会议举办机构:Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS, 4 Akademichesky st., Tomsk


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作者:Rodionova, A.B.^1, Grenaderova, A.V.^1

关键词:Paleoclimate records;Peatland development;...

会议举办机构:Department of Ecology and Environmental Studies, Institute of Ecology and Geography, Siberian Federal University, 79 Svobodny pr., Krasnoyarsk


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作者:Filippova, Nina V^1, Glagolev, Mikhail V^2

关键词:Climatic conditions;Coniferous forests;...

会议举办机构:UNESCO Chai. Environmental Dynamic and Global Climate Change, Yugra State University, Chekhova street 16, Khanty-Mansiysk


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