- 已选条件:
作者:Cao, Yong^1;Huang, Liqing^2;Cui, Zhiguo^1;等
关键词:Chiller system;Energy performance;...
会议举办机构:Institute of Building Environment and Energy, China Academy of Building Research, Beijing
作者:Li, X.L.^1;Qin, H.^1;You, Z.P.^2;等
关键词:Airflow resistance;Experimental values;...
会议举办机构:School of Energy and Safety Engineering, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin
作者:Zhang, Yunshen^1
关键词:Chemical reaction systems;Controlled reactions;...
会议举办机构:College of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Puyang Vocational and Technical College, Puyang Henan
5 Application of ant colony Algorithm and particle swarm optimization in architectural design [会议论文]
作者:Song, Ziyi^1, Wu, Yunfa^1, Song, Jianhua^2
关键词:Ant colony algorithms;Application range;...
会议举办机构:College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Anhui Jianzhu University, 856 Jinzhai Road, Hefei
6 The situation of generation, treatment and supervision of common industrial solid wastes in China [会议论文]
作者:Xu, Shumin^1
关键词:Current situation;Industrial solid wastes
会议举办机构:Solid Waste and Chemicals Management Center, Ministry of Environmental Protection, No. 1 Yuhui South Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing