These Conference Proceedings contain the selected papers of tenth in the series multidisciplinary Conference ENVIROMIS-2018 comprising elements of Early Career Scientists School held at Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia, on July 05-11, 2018.
As well as all preceding events (, the conference was devoted to the state-of-the-art and usage of modern observation techniques, computational and information technologies for assessment, modelling and mitigation of Northern Eurasia environment variations under natural and anthropogenic pressures including those caused by the Global Climate Change. One of the main conference goals is filling the gap between fundamental researches and practical applications in this domain.
Multidisciplinary nature of the conference gathered specialists from various research fields. The scientific program of the conference included 9 consecutive thematic sections, where 5 lectures, 12 invited papers, 67 oral and 46 short oral reports were presented, among them 4 reports were presented by international scientific teams carrying out joint projects. These presentations covered fundamental and applied researches in the following areas: monitoring of climatic changes over Northern Eurasia; climatic and weather modelling; bog ecosystems of Northern Eurasia: observations, analysis and modelling; response of terrestrial ecosystems of Northern Eurasia to climate change; air composition, pollution transport and climate change; instrumental, information-measuring and information-computational infrastructures for regional environmental studies. Special attention was paid to extreme climatic events and assessment of regional risks and socio-economic impacts. This topic becomes very urgent nowadays against the background of contemporary climate changes that cause increase frequency of such events.
Also, as all previous ENVIROMIS events, this conference addressed a critically important issue – young scientists training and contribution to their professional skill growth. Traditionally for this purpose, the Organizing Committee invited a number of leading specialists, who presented reports on hot topics in Earth System Sciences. We would like to give special thanks to the Noble prize winner, Prof. Terry Callaghan, honorary Professor of Tomsk State University, for his lecture "Arctic climate change and vegetation: understanding impacts and no impacts".
It should be added that on May 29, 2018 Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences formed a Committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the international program "The Future of the Earth" and declared its main activities, which, in particular, include organization of events within the program on the territory of Russia. The ENVIROMIS-2018 conference is the first event held within this program.
The conference was organized by Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS and Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS. It was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research under grant No. 18-05-20040.
All the contributions in this volume have been peer reviewed according to rigorous international standards. However the authors take full responsibility for the content of their papers. We are grateful to all of the reviewers for maintaining the standards and quality of the manuscripts throughout the reviewing process.
Professor Evgeny Gordov
RAS Corresponding Member Vasily Lykosov