131 WSMO Implementation Workshop 2004: Proceedings of the Workshop on WSMO Implementations (WIW 2004), Frankfurt, Germany, September 29-30, 2004.
会议主题: 计算机科学(综合)
会议年份: 2004
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:119]
132 The 5th Geoinformation Science Symposium 2017 (GSS 2017), 27–28 September 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
会议主题: 地球科学
会议年份: 2017
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:149]
133 Joint Proceedings of the 24th OpenMath Workshop, the 7th Workshop on Mathematical User Interfaces (MathUI), and the Work in Progress Section of CICM; Workshops at the Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM). The conference hosted further workshops, which publish their own proceedings; please see the CICM workshop page for an overview
会议年份: 2012
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:182]
134 Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Semantic Technologies Applied to Biomedical Informatics and Individualized Medicine, In conjunction with the 11th International Semantic Web Conference 2012 (ISWC 2012)
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:160]
135 11th APCPST (Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology) and 25th SPSM (Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials), 2–5 October 2012, Kyoto, Japan
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:173]
136 Proceedings of the International Workshop on Experimental Economics and Machine Learning (EEML 2012), In conjunction with the Tenth International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis - ICFCA 2012
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:125]
137 Tagungsband des Workshops "Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2011 - Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen (BVM 2011), Lübeck, Germany, March 20-22, 2011.
会议年份: 2010
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:131]
138 Proceedings of the 1st International Future Enterprise Systems Workshop (FES-2010), Berlin, Germany, September 2010.
会议主题: 社会科学、人文和艺术(综合), 计算机科学(综合)
会议年份: 2011
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:145]
139 International Conference on Sustainability in Architectural Design and Urbanism 2017, 9–10 August 2017, Semarang, Indonesia
会议主题: 土木及结构工程学
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:172]
140 International Conference on Innovations in Non-Destructive Testing (SibTest), 27–30 June 2017, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:214]