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2123 International Conference on Robotics and Mechantronics (ICRoM 2017), 12–14 December 2017, Hong Kong
会议主题: 机械制造
会议年份: 2017
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:163]
2124 INTERNATIONAL BIOTECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE ON ESTATE CROPS 2017, 18–20 October 2017, Jakarta, Indonesia
会议主题: 生物科学(综合)
会议年份: 2017
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:126]
会议主题: 计算机科学(综合)
会议年份: 2010
举办机构: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Department of Software Engineering 、VSB-TU Ostrava, Department of Computer Science 、FEL CVUT Praha, Department of Computer Science and Engineering 、CSKI, OS Informatics and Society
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:170]
会议主题: 计算机科学(综合)
会议年份: 2009
举办机构: SIGMAS (Special Interest Group on Modeling And Simulationof the Association for Information Systems), SIGSIM (Special Interest Group on Simulationof the Association for Computing Machinery), CAiSE 2009 (International Conference on Advanced Information SystemsEngineering)
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:1380]