- 已选条件:
会议主题: 社会科学、人文和艺术(综合)
会议年份: 2014
举办机构: University of Tartu, Institute of Computer Science, Global WordNet Association
ISBN: 978-9949-32-492-7
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:847]
755 LEET '08
会议主题: 计算机科学(综合)
会议年份: 2008
举办机构: LEET '08 was co-located with Usability, Psychology, and Security 2008 (UPSEC '08
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:164]
会议主题: 计算机科学(综合)
会议年份: 2007
举办机构: HotSec '07 was co-located with the 16th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '07)
会议文献列表 | [ 浏览:507]