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作者:Biing-Hwan Lin


关键词:Dietary intake;food expenditures;...

发布机构:United States Department of Agriculture

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作者:Jonathan Jacobson , Ronette Briefel , Philip Gleason , Rachel Sullivan ,and Jayachandran Variyam


关键词:School Breakfast Program;effect of breakfast on cognition;...

发布机构:United States Department of Agriculture

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作者:Andrea Carlson, Elizabeth Frazão


关键词:food prices;price metrics;...

发布机构:United States Department of Agriculture

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作者:Elizabeth Frazão


关键词:Dietary intake;food expenditures;...

发布机构:United States Department of Agriculture

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作者:Biing-Hwan Lin


关键词:Dietary intake;food expenditures;...

发布机构:United States Department of Agriculture

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作者:Mary K. Muth , Shawn A. Karns , Samara Joy Nielsen , Jean C. Buzby, Hodan Farah Wells


关键词:Food consumption;food availability;...

发布机构:United States Department of Agriculture

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